Thursday, September 7, 2023


                             GAMES IN WORLD

The history of video games began in the 1950s and 1960s as computer scientists began designing simple games and simulations on mini compact and mainframe.
Spacewar ! was developed by massachusetts institute of technology (MIT) student hobbyists in 1962 as one of the first such games on a video display.

Baer, who's somethimes referred to as Farther of video games, licensed his device to magnavox , which sold the system to first video game home console, in 1972. Over the next few years, the primitive Odyssey console would commercially fizzle and die out.


video games have been around for decades providing entertainment for children and adults a like. 

They have evolved significantly from the early days of computer games and the first versions of nintendo and atari.
The days of pixelated screens and limited sounds are a distant memory as video games have become more lifelike than ever .
As technology continues to improve, so do video games.

Video game creation has become increasingly complex, and the cost of creating a game to run on one of the major consoles has risen with this greater complexity.

it was once unthinkable to sink millions into dovelopment costs , but games today can cost tens and even hundreds of millions. 

This has pushed game development into Hollywood movie territory in terms of production and marketing costs.

The video game sector is immensely large. In fact, it is larger than the movie and music industries combined, and it is only growing. 

Though it doesn't get the same attention that the movie and music industry does, there are over two billion gamers across the world. 

It's no surprise that companies want a piece of the pie.In 2020, the gaming industry generated $155 billion in revenue, by 2025, analysis predict the industry will generate more than $ 260 billion in revenue.